Clay Hand Studios
at Gallery Row

Ceramics-focused art gallery and working studio space offering memberships, classes, individualized instruction, and workshops at 660 Van Ness Avenue in Fresno, CA.
A Hands-On Workshop for the Beginning Glaze Maker
Saturday March 11, 2023: 9am - 12 Making the Glaze
Saturday March 18, 2023: 9am Comparing the Results
Learn How To
Measure and Mix Ingredients, Calculate Different Amounts, Test Tile Application, and Create a Range of Colors From a Recipe
$70, Online Registration or in Person
Deadline for Registration: March 8, 2023
What To Bring
Gram Scale Accurate to Tenth of a Gram (Triple Beam or Digital)
Stick Blender
Clay Hand Studios, 660 Van Ness Ave., Fresno, CA 93721
Saturday Parking Free, Small Parking Lot Adjacent to Building
Nanette Mattos:
Text: (559) 999-7974
How To Create A Glaze From A Recipe
with Nanette Mattos

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A Two Day Hands-On Workshop for the Beginning Glaze Maker
70 US dollars